I have now made a Librivox account and am hoping to do some, narrating/ voice acting. Should be fun!

The process was a tad difficult to do but it sorted.. hopefully 😛

I am going with Sam for Halloween! I am going to be Hysteria Alice and she will be Jack The Ripper *COUGH* A Victorian Gentleman.

Other news is that I may be going to see Rocky Horror picture show at the Hall for Cornwall. If I can then I am going with Sam also 😀 It will be awesome!



Rammstein – Sonne

CANNOT get this song out of my head, even though I don’t speak German! haha

“Almost nobody dances sober, unless they happen to be insane”.

May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favour.

A little while(2 months)ago I read the first of ‘The Hunger Games’ Trilogy, and loved it. I am now reading the second book, ‘Catching Fire’. Without giving spoilers I can honestly say that I was shocked with what happened, but It was AWESOME!

So, I decided to make a hunger games themed picture! (See below)


“A person who learns to juggle six balls will be more skilled than the person who never tries to juggle more than three. “

Count Takaran singing ‘Istanbul’.

I love Terrance Zdunich so freaking much!